some thoughts
Remastering “Core Differences”
The 10-year anniversary of “Core Differences” saw an opportunity to test out a workflow I’ve had in mind of using AI tools to up-res old plates, and then re-grading and re-compositing them from scratch. The results have been promising.
New Website!
My site was starting to feel a little long in the tooth, and I was wanting to get more content up here and keep things more up to date. So I figured I’d take the opportunity to rebuild everything in SquareSpace’s newer “Fluid” engine. For the most part, I like it.
Sisters’ Quarrel
In a distant land beyond the lake where brothers once quarreled, the next generation enters the arena. Will their imaginations meet the family legacy? Or ignite something beyond?
Boris FX - Why I ❤️ Silhouette
Discover which feature [I] use most — and why the most difficult shot from Captain America was known internally as Cry, Run, Cry.
The Great Cow Frame Mover
Using Python to sort through thousands of EXR files and moving them to where they belong in my project file hierarchy.
First, Let Me Build a System
Exporting VFX plates from Premiere Pro using the Project Manager.
Silhouette - Academy Award for Technical Achievement
Check out the reel I cut together that Silhouette presented to The Academy for their SciTech award nomination.