Silhouette - Academy Award for Technical Achievement
Earlier this year (2018), I was asked by the developers of Silhouette to put together a reel (below) of my most impressive roto work to date to be presented to the Academy for a SciTech Award consideration.
I can’t really explain what it feels like to know one’s work can be considered a representation of the capabilities of the software. As I continue down the path of compositing, I can think of no better way to put my roto career to bed than having contributed to this well-deserved award.
Silhouette will remain a vital tool for me, and I will continue to recommend it to any aspiring artists who are looking to break into the industry through this crucial and noble skill.
From Silhouette’s Facebook page:
“Yesterday, we received news that Silhouette won an Academy Award for Technical Achievement.
Special thanks to Adam Bradley and Eddie Soria of Weta Digital, who demonstrated as part of the awards process, the most complex and articulated roto and paint I have ever seen. It was nothing short of amazing. Also, thanks to Nathaniel Caauwe for putting together an impressive rotoscoping reel and sample footage for demonstration. We could not have done it without you guys. Finally, thanks to all of you for using our tools, and helping us make them better all these years!”